Friday, May 6, 2011

Small victories, I mean – ridiculously small victories.

I can remember distinctly when I first started running and all I wanted to do was get past the one mile mark on the gym treadmill. Cut to more than a year later and I finished 5ks, 10ks, half marathons, and one full marathon (I also don’t run on a treadmill anymore – I feel a little too much like a chunky hamster forced into a spinning wheel). Move a little bit further down the zombie running time line and I became tragically sidelined with plantar fasciitis with no hope of running for weeks.

Weeks have (sloooooooooowly) passed and this morning I had my first truly successful run since this whole PF bag of soggy balls started - I had no pain, not even an ache. My left knee wasn’t twitchy and my arches behaved like good little parolees. I never dreamed that after completing a marathon I could feel any sense of satisfaction from running just a mere mile, but I was elated after finishing the mile.

Then I realized no one else cared and I still had to go to work- thus that elation fell like Lindsey Lohan stumbling out of a bar. Regardless, I can start running again – which is a good thing, because my next blog post was chronicling the ups and downs of vegan soy milk.

I think we all dodged a bullet.

And for no intelligent reason, here’s Hershey in a hat, TGIF!

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